Category Archives: Sally Hansen

NOTD: Zoya Breezi & Sally Hansen Love Letter

Happy Hump Day Loves!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far.

I remembered today that I forgot another blogger who’s rocked some blue tips in support of Autism Awareness this month:

KayJay from Refined and Polished 

If anyone else is participating, and I’ve left you out, please let me know 🙂

Anyway, I’ve got a quick NOTD for you today that I did using Zoya Breezi and Sally Hansen Salon Effects in Love Letter.

Breezi is a beautiful, dusty blue creme that applies like a dream. I have a love affair with creme polish, and Zoya really knows how to make ’em.

In the pics below I used 2 coats of Breezi on all but my ring finger (there’s some shrinkage near the cuticle on my middle finger, but that’s Seche Vite’s fault, not Breezi’s ). On my ring finger I placed a Sally Hansen salon effect strip called Love Letter. I’m not patient enough to do a whole mani with polish strips, but they work awesomely for an accent nail, and I love the design of Love Letter. Check it out:




I love the look of the black and white contrasting with the blue. This would probably look pretty cool with pink too.

How do you feel about such a contrasting accent nail like this?

Let me know your thoughts and have a wonder Wednesday! 🙂






NOTD: OPI Give Me Moor! & Sally Hansen Save The Date

Hey Peeps! Happy Thursday!

Today is my Friday, and I couldn’t be happier about that because I’m exhausted from this week.

Anyway, I have a quick NOTD for you of a mani I randomly did at work. I wanted to wear a vampy color so I grabbed OPI Give Me Moor! which is a dark plummy/eggplant creme from their Spain collection that came out a few years ago. I seriously neglect gorgeous colors like this in my stash, and I need to give them more love.

I used 2 coats of Give Me Moor! The first coat is kind of thin and watery, but it becomes opaque and creamy with the 2nd. Then I topped my ring finger with one coat of Sally Hansen Save the Date, which is a gorgeous jewel-toned burgundy shimmer. But I wasn’t happy there, so I went back and added some dots over the top using Give Me Moor! The dots are kind of subtle, but they did the trick for me. Peep it (sorry about the tip wear- typing at work is rough on my tips, even when I wrap them 😦 )



That’s all for today my loves! I’ve been running on 3 hours of sleep for the past 30 hours, so I’m ready to crash.

Let me know what you think of this mani and have a lovely Thursday! 🙂






Pink Wednesday: Byte Me

Hello There Lovelies!

It’s Pink Wednesday again and I just realized that I haven’t posted since last Pink Wednesday! *Gasp!*

Shame on me.

I’m truly, truly sorry about that. As I explained before, work and a million other things have been wearing me out and I’ve been in a funk that has kept me from blogging the way I’d like to. However, I have still been acquiring new polish and doing swatches when I have a chance. I just need to get around to posting everything. I have a new laptop coming in the mail tomorrow so hopefully it’ll help me get my mojo back! 🙂

Anyway, on to today’s mani…

I was in Sally’s a few days ago and decided to grab a few bottles of Finger Paints because they were on sale.  As I was perusing the pinks, I came across Art You Kidding Me?

It’s pretty much your standard hot pink cream, but I snagged it cuz I liked the name. In the pic below I topped it with one coat of Sally Hansen HD Byte to jazz it up a little. Sorry the pic is kind of blinding-Peep it:



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